Thursday, August 24, 2017


    Inheritance we receive.

        A legacy we will leave.

At church in Franklin, North Carolina this morning, he talked about prayer; the inheritance we receive and the legacy we leave. It wasn't a coincidence. It never is. I have been thinking about my children and grandchildren, their inheritance and the legacy that we are leaving behind. I have been reading the biography of David Green founder of Hobby Lobby, so it has been on my mind a lot lately. It was fresh on my mind this morning as I drank a cup of coffee, breathed in the mountain air, and enjoyed the solace in my life. So thankful for a praying grandmother and grandfather; and all those before me that prayed for me. A mother that thought it was important to take my sister and I to church every Sunday morning to learn about God. Where might we be if she hadn't. A sister who cared enough about me to encourage me in my walk with Him. Her and her friends who taught me the importance of prayer and how to pray. I am so grateful. What a rich inheritance, I inherited. Thank you Father for praying loved ones in our lives. We have prayed many prayers for our own children and grandchildren; the most important prayers have been that they put God first in their lives; walking in His fullness. Some of our prayers will be answered in our lifetime and others we might not ever see. But, they will be answered. Makes me think of my granny and poppy and how
much they must have prayed for my daddy to be saved. He was too, but they never saw the fruits of
their labor. He came to know Jesus after they were no longer here. I know that many prayers I have prayed were at a time of sadness in my own life. Times when my heart was heavy. Times when I had no idea what I was going to do. Though the season reliance on the Lord never will. Praying is a way of life; doesn't depend on my circumstances. I am and always will be desperate for the peace, love and joy of knowing Christ Jesus. His presence in our life and the lives of our loved ones is paramount. That is the only thing that will last forever.  God has always taken care of our needs. These weeks in the mountains, (almost three), have helped me realize how God is so involved in every little "itsy bitsy" detail of our lives. I never prayed Lord give me a home in the mountains. It has always been a dream of mine; a heart's desire, I guess you would say. So it's really hard to believe that we are here. Looking for a home in these gorgeous mountains. This will be an inheritance for our children and our grandchildren. A place of peace and enjoyment. A place that they will enjoy coming to. A place where the presence of God is very tangible. The most important thing I want to leave our children and grandchildren is the legacy that we have loved the Lord with all our hearts and showed them the way to do the same. If God sees fit to give us the "little cabin" of our dreams, full of His presence; then that is just icing on the cake 🏠

loving Him always,
sammie jean

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

something about the mountains....a poem

Something about the
not sure what it could be...

the early morning fog
hanging on for dear life,
 crisp, cool, air
that I breathe
 the rustling
brooks that skip and sputter
over the smooth rocks,

 the music that I hear with
the fiddle and the banjo,
 the easy way of life,
that draws me near,
it might be
the cry of the Cherokee
their hopes and dreams

 churches with their steeples
reaching to the sky,
the cows in the valley,
green pasture all around,
the foothills gracing it all,
rolling hills in the countryside,
the rustic barn, old wooden planks
falling down,
 country home with its
white columns standing tall,

There's just something that
draws me near
Not sure what it
 could be...


Thursday, August 17, 2017

lest I forget...

Cullasaja Falls, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina

I remembered this morning once again...I called, You answered, and You came to my rescue.
I wanna be where you are.
Lyrics by Hillsong United

Thank you for loving me always and forever,

Sammie Jean

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

the tortoise and the hare

My inspiration this morning came straight from Mr. Aesop himself. The story of the Tortoise and the Hare came to mind on my walk. Can't help it. My elementary background comes to the forefront often. Let me humor you with this cute little fable. Tortoise and Hare had a race. We all know that hare was in better shape and could run faster. He was created to run faster. Because of that, he was also a little on the "cocky" side. And then there is Tortoise. Known to be slow. Never in a hurry. But, since he wasn't created for speed he had to rely on other skills. He had to be very focused to get to his goal. Well as it goes, Hare sprints off with great speed. He takes a huge lead. But, he has to stop along the way because he runs out of steam. He also thinks that because of his great lead, Tortoise will never catch him. It did look that way, however he misunderstood something about Tortoise. He never dreamed that Tortoise was looking toward the finish line; was goal oriented. He didn't know how confident Tortoise really was either. That he wasn't judging himself by what others could do or what others thought about him. He didn't get caught up in performance. He just steadily worked at it...never giving up, persevering to the end. As we know, he won the race! Thus the moral of the story, "Slow and Steady Wins the Race." As I look and listen, I see it everywhere; on social media, conversations, everywhere. The craze to get fit, to lose weight. The mania to "keep up with the Jones." Competition, competition, competition. In the way we look, how many miles we can run or walk, what we drive, what we wear, what we live in, who our kids play with, what college they attend...the list goes on an on. It's just crazy. I know I'm old. Sixty to be exact. I have a small piece of advice; tiny words of wisdom (and it comes with age.) I know that whatever my hands find to do, I should do it well. I definitely don't want to be lazy. I want to stay healthy; spiritually, physically, and mentally. But, let's move at a pace that doesn't cause "burn out." Let's not live in a space that is always saying, "I should do this or "if I would have done that." Let's live in the grace of each day...really each moment. Let's enjoy what we're doing!  Truthfully if the load is too hard to carry, it was probably never meant to be carried. Jesus said that, I didn't. All I'm saying is according to Paul, "let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." If we are doing, "whatever we are doing," for any other reason than "unto the Lord," we won't be able to hold out to the end.

Your speed doesn't matter...forward is forward 🐒 🐒

sammie jeanπŸ’š
Taken April 17, 2017 in our yard