Friday, September 29, 2017

you always quieten my soul...

Take me to the place
   where love abounds
 take me to the place
     where I'm safe and sound
 in the river of your love
       no strife is there
  the river of your love
       perfect peace is where
          take me to the place...

This world might toss me around. I lose my way at times. My focus a little off.
But, thank you Father God, if I will just stop and always quieten my soul❤️

sammie jean

excerpt from my blog alifelyingdown

"Behold, I extend peace to her like a river..." Isaiah 66:12
Talogia Creek that runs on the edge of our property

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Good, good Father...

Returning from a trip to Vegas to see Celine Dion, celebrating my sixtieth birthday, we were in the airport getting a sandwich during our layover. My husband reached in his back pocket to pay for the sandwiches and "no wallet." I could see the look of desperation in his eyes as he turned and looked at me, I said, "I'll pay for them." He quickly made his way back to the flight desk to explain to them that after much thought felt that he had left his wallet on the plane during the flight from Vegas. The clerk made a phone call but gave him bad news that the clean-up crew found no wallet. My husband trudged back to where I was sitting and you could tell by his body language that he was very upset (to say the least.) He told me,"Not only is credit cards, license, and money in my wallet but pictures of my kids when they were small are in there." You have to understand at our age a real picture that you can hold in your hand means the world to us. We don't have back-up copies of pictures in drop boxes, Shutterfly, or all those other places floating safe and sound out in technology world somewhere. When we lose a picture it's gone forever. We flew home from Atlanta with no wallet but with hope and a prayer. We were preparing for bed around three hours later when my husband received a phone call from Delta Airlines. We have your wallet in Jacksonville, Florida and everything is in tact, even a $100 dollar bill is still tucked neatly inside. Just a small thing right? No, not at all! Tears filled my eyes. The goodness of God was so evident. This was months ago.  Couldn't help but think of all the goodness of God in our lives everyday.

Thank you Father for answering our prayers for healing; giving children and older people with cancer and heart disease, more time on this earth. Thank you for second chances (third and fourth...too) Thank you for giving couples the heart of adoption. Thank you for caring friends and loving family that say the right thing at just the right time. Thank you for couples that will give up their comforts in life to travel half way across the world to love others in need. Thank you for giving us our hearts desires. Thank you for meeting our daily needs. Thank you for all those little "God winks" all during the day. Those special moments when you show us that you care about "every little thing." Thank you for saying "no" when it isn't best for us. Thank you for the important lessons that you teach us. Thank you for husbands that listen to you and guide their families in the right direction. Thank you for rescuing me when there was no way out. Thank you for Jesus. The lover of my very soul. Just want to say, your a good, good, Father. Thank you ♥

love these beautiful lyrics:

I've seen many searching for answers far and wide
But I know we're all searching
for answers only you provide
'cause you know just what we need
before we say a word

You're  a good good father,

it's who you are...
and I'm loved by you
it's who I am...

You are perfect in all of your ways...

you are...

 I'm loved by's who I am 💓

lyrics by Chris Tomlin

Saturday, September 16, 2017

don't be afraid to stand out...

Caught my attention this morning. Right in the middle of the forest floor bloomed this beauty...

Don't Be Afraid to Stand are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made! Psalm 104:31 NLT

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

the path taken...

Walked in town this morning. An asphalt track around the hospital. Two laps for a  mile. Easy walk. I walked it fast. A couple miles in less than 20 minutes. I've walked this track many times over the years. I remember walking around it one night with my son, right after my divorce from his dad. We had just moved to this town from a 1700 square foot house to a single-wide trailer.  He ran. I remember him taking his shirt off and running with all his might. Mustering up all the male masculinity that he could at the age of 11. He was the man of the house now. I walked. Probably hard to put one foot in front of the other. But I walked. Started thinking about the other walks I have been on lately. The dirt road that we live on since moving to the woods. A few annoyances; dirt, sticks, yellow flies. You spray your legs down before leaving remembering to spray your shoes for ticks too. But, the most peaceful walk you will ever take. Just peaceful. Only way I can describe it...just peaceful. Annoyingly peaceful.  Returning from three weeks in North Carolina we did manage to pull ourselves out of bed almost every morning to walk around the neighborhood. Hard walk. Those mountains were grueling.  Because I am use to walking the flat lands of Florida, my heart rate zoomed to the top pretty quickly. Beautiful walk but trudging upward each morning was quite a work out. Beautiful time in our lives. Retirement.What a gift. A time to re-evaluate life. It's like God has given us a little extra time to do all the important things in life. A second how I see it. Thought about the paths that I have been on (physically and spiritually) and how symbolic each walk has been. God has used every circumstance in my life to mold who I am. He has given me a new heart and has opened my eyes to see (differently than before.)  I am thankful for each life lesson. I'm thankful for the smooth, the rough, and the mountainous terrains. I'm sure that there is even a place for those annoying bugs...

sammie jean

Saturday, September 2, 2017

I have always loved you...

He created me, knows me, and has always loved me with an everlasting love. Everlasting? That is an absolutely awesome,  mind-boggling truth.

In a world that is constantly changing. A world where people believe one thing today and something different tomorrow, change our minds, just because...

I can stand on this promise forever...

           you can too!

 Thank you Lord Jesus that you love me. You don't even get mad at me. You love me right this minute as much as you have loved me my whole lifetime; even before I was conceived in my mothers womb. Oh amazing is that?

I put my hope and trust in you, Lord Jesus. The only one that stays the same; yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

I love you too!
Sammie Jean