Saturday, December 30, 2017

our little photographer...

Our granddaughter took these photos on her recent stay with us. She searched high and low for the perfect insect, flower or whatever caught her eye. At one point, her pawpaw said, "Look at her." She was flat on the ground, camera in hand; just like the professionals. She's just a little kin to her Ammie, I would say. We both love taking pictures of beautiful things. I love these pictures Mia. When I look at them I just have to smile. They remind me so of you.  I pray that you will always hold on to Jesus. Believe in the beautiful girl that you are and just like the flower; bloom wherever God plants you.

 Love you precious girl 💕

Friday, December 29, 2017

going on a bear hunt...

 I remembered that little game that we played when I taught first grade, ages ago, this morning. Going On a Bear Hunt.  I was teaching a unit on the "coldest places on earth", the polar regions. Our classroom was full of imitation snow and ice and I even turned the air conditioner down in the middle of winter. It's a good thing that we were all decked out in our heavy coats, mittens, ear muffs, boots, the whole outfit, because we were shivering cold. While outdoor, our Florida temperature was probably no colder than 60 degrees. But, was rigid cold. The kiddos lined up behind me and we trudged through ice and snow as we sang, "We're going on a bear hunt and what will we see? We see a_." Filling in the blank with animals that lived in the coldest areas of the world in alphabetical order. What made me think of that was the print I saw on my walk this morning. I think it was a bear track. I know, I'm guilty. Every track is a bear track. That's what happens when you live in the woods. I will admit it. I'm scared of bears. Believe you me, I am not going on any bear hunts. And I don't want to find any either.

sammie jean 🐻

Thursday, December 21, 2017

I keep stumbling over it...

There I go again. Again, and again. Almost every morning for the past year, or as long as I have been walking this path, I have tripped over the same little bitty annoying root in the middle of the road. Yes, it has been a "stumbling block" because every time I trip on it I almost fall face first to the ground before I manage to catch myself. You would think that I would remember that it is there by now. You would think that I would take a different path, at least. And, I know what you're thinking, why don't she just dig it up?  Good question. The only reason I can give is... I guess it has just not been that important to me.

I read Proverbs 4 this morning; the chapter entitled "Get Wisdom at any cost."  Long but well worth the read. Vs. 10-13 stood out. Listen my son (my daughter), accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many. I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to instruction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it's your life. 

 There might be "roots" in my path but one thing for sure, if I listen and accept what you say, you promise that you will instruct me. It is in my best interest to put your word at the top of my priority list.

your wisdom is life to me,
sammie jean

Saturday, December 2, 2017

crystal clear ???

My granddaughter and I made crystal ornaments last week for her to take home to put on her Christmas tree. We read and followed the directions closely. They turned out beautifully. So, yesterday I decided to make some more for my tree. I didn't look at the directions this time but rather, resorted to memory. That's pretty much how I am every time I make something. I follow the directions the first time and then the second time..I don't. I took my time; carefully adding the water, the Borax, and then boiling the water until it all dissolved. I was very careful to go through all the steps and add the ingredients, as I remembered it. I looked patiently for crystals to form all afternoon. I started to worry a little. I knew that it didn't take that long the last time we made them. I kept looking. But, no crystals. By night fall, I was pretty sure something wasn't right. I got up the next morning and went straight outside to look at my little project, hoping for a miracle. Still, no crystals. Just a mason jar full of water. I guess that's what happens when you don't follow directions, you don't get the desired results.  I finally decided to look at the recipe again. My memory had not served me well. I had failed to add the right proportions of Borax to the water. In fact, I missed the mark by a long shot.  I was disappointed in myself, realizing once again how stubborn I can be and how I rely on myself way too much.  And... I might add... a touch of laziness too.  After my walk and talk with Jesus this morning, it got me thinking about my mistake and how this relates to my life in a spiritual sense. Time with Him always puts things in the right perspective. He always gently teaches, corrects, and encourages. And all without one single spec of condemnation. I realize that I rely on myself and my way too much at times. Jesus is the only way...and I need to follow Him completely... with my whole heart. I don't have to though. I can even follow him halfheartedly or from a distance. But, if I make that choice, I should never expect to live a life in His fullness. But, because of his loving kindness to me and His faithfulness over and over again,  I want to come to him everyday in prayer, reading His word, and meditating on His love for me. I don't want just a memory of Him. I want His fellowship daily in my life.  His recipe will never fail...He promises. It might be in my best interest to follow it ♡

♥sammie jean♥

Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. James 1:22

Friday, November 17, 2017

a quote...

I love this quote. "You is kind. You is smart. You is important.
Aibileen The Help

My prayer today is; Lord, help me believe this about myself so much that I believe it about others too 💑

Friday, November 10, 2017

"You're just spinning your wheels"

I heard the words, If you try to _____ (fill in the blank) on your own, "you're just spinning your wheels." I immediately had a flashback to the other morning when I tried to ride my bike. Getting a little bored with the same exercise routine, I decided to add a little more variety. Found my bike under tons of dust and spider webs, hoping to ride it. Needless to say, it had been a while. Checked the tires to see if they had air. The back tire needed a little. Since I had no idea where the air pump was, I jumped on the bike anyway. Enthusiastically I started peddling. To my dismay, I wasn't moving. All my peddling was to no avail. I stayed perfectly still...going no where. Looking down, I found the culprit. My chain was off.

Yes, Lord. I understand. If I listen to your voice and obey, You promise that You will be faithful to me.

Living life with you 🚲 💜

sammie jean
A wise man will hear and increase in learning
Proverbs 1: 5

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

I don't have to understand...just believe

excerpt from blog Spring has Sprung 5/5/16... alifelyingdown 

I just love spring!  Everything wakes up from the dead of winter and dresses up in its finest attire.  Every tree lies dormant before it becomes clothed in all its beauty. Every tiny bud and seed no matter how small, lies quietly asleep beneath the earth before the warmth of the sun causes it to shoot forth for all to see. The symbolism of death and life is so beautifully portrayed in nature. It reminds us so of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Everywhere you look is a constant reminder of His great love for us.

death has to come...I don't have to understand it. I just believe.

Although the season is not spring...thank you Father for new life that I see

sammie jean

Monday, October 30, 2017


Waiting is the hardest thing to do. Especially when you really want something. Who would have ever thought that it would take so long for us to close on the little cabin in the mountains. The one of our dreams. I sure didn't. We found it in August. Here we are...still waiting. Waiting.  I've envisioned a fire in that stone fireplace at least a million times; standing so close to it that I burn my backside; curling up on the couch with a cup of hot coffee; watching the fire, crackle and pop. I've envisioned cooking a country breakfast in the little kitchen; grits, eggs, and smoked country ham. Sleeping in the old wood-framed bed; listening to new sounds, never heard before. I've envisioned sitting on the back porch looking at the fall colors; listening to the little brook, across the road, running and skipping over the rocks. Walking through the yard rustling leaves beneath my feet; with the mountain air so cold that my nose and ears feel like they are going to freeze off.’s only in my dreams... maybe one day, soon, it will be reality.  And, again, it might never happen. I felt positive that it was God's will for us to have this cabin...waiting though, makes me wonder. It makes me question everything. No matter what, I have come to this resolve today. Lord,  I want your will to be done. You mean more to me than anything on this earth. No thing can ever take your place. If that cabin has only been in my dreams...well, they have been great ones 🌄

sammie jean
Little driveway into our cabin...

Sunday, October 29, 2017

It isn't finished...yet

Always down a path of some sort. Every one a little different. This one, River Walk in North Carolina. As I watched the Canadian Geese in the river, something else caught my eye. A man on the river bank painting. An artist inspired by the view. Understandable. His canvas in his lap. I watched him as he packed up to leave. I rushed over to ask him if he would sale his painting. He said he never had before." I like to keep them," he responded.  Besides, it wasn’t finished. He asked me if I wanted to see it. "Sure," I replied. I would love to. We stood on the bridge, looking at the unfinished piece of art. He critiqued it. A little rough here. Color not exactly right. Need to add this, change this. I had no idea what he was talking about. He knew though. After all he was the artist and this was his masterpiece. I didn't have to understand. I can just envision this conversation with my Father God. Looking at the "painting of my life."  I ask Him. “May I take a look?” “Sure”, he replies. "It isn’t finished yet," He tells me. "But, when it is, it will be one of my very favorites."

Father, I'm trusting in your design for my life,

sammie jean

for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13

Monday, October 23, 2017

His good pleasure...

...for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work

Philippians 2:13

 I am so glad that I can rest in Him! It brings me so much peace to know that even though (through my eyes) my life looks like I haven't accomplished very much, haven't done much for Him, or done things the right way, my Father has been willing and working in me His good pleasure. So...nothing I have done or haven’t done has been wasted; the things that I have done selfishly, the things that I have done rebelliously, the things that I have done out of fear, anger, or greed. He has been working in me through it all. It is all about Him. I will never be worthy. Thank you Father! Only you could have come up with such a "perfect plan." ☩

sammie jean 

Friday, October 20, 2017

but take courage...

 In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

I love this! Lord, I put my hope and trust in you; today and forever.

Sammie jean

Lake Talquin, Florida

Friday, October 13, 2017

Shout Out to my Sister!

New York, Top of the Rock
Dear Brenda,

     I love you, appreciate you and respect you, even more today than I did yesterday.  You are so much more than a are my dear friend ❤

Beach fun with mama!
Love you always and forever,

Thursday, October 12, 2017

it's official...he's part of the family

Our little friend has been close by for almost the whole year that we have been living here. He mostly lives on the the wooden post near the flowerbed. We have occasionally seen him on the porch. Today he decided to take my chair. I walked out on the front porch this morning to sit down. What did I do? What anyone would do for a family member or good friend. I just let him sit in my chair while I sat in another one. Hope he realizes our fondness for him.

You know you are loving the woods when you start loving all of God's little critters too 😍

Monday, October 9, 2017

a Monday funny...

I was on my way home from a few nights stay at the beach with my mom and sister when the thing you fear in the back of your mind happens. Your engine light comes on. It starts flashing... overheating; needs coolant, needs oil change! Every light you could imagine started flashing!  Oh my goodness, I'm alone! Thank you Jesus, I wasn't very far from home. About 30 miles. So thankful that it didn't happen while I was on the interstate too. I immediately pulled over, finding a driveway that was safe to pull into. I called my husband. Thank you Lord for partners that don't ask a lot of questions they just move into action. I took a deep breath and said, "Thank you Jesus that you are always with me. You never leave me." Tears filled my eyes with the thought of dealing with this without a mate like so many have to do. I remembered the feeling.  "Thank you Lord for my husband," I said.  It was within minutes that I received a message from the towing company wanting to know my location. My efficient husband was right on it! So all was well. The only thing now was, I was hungry. It was 2:00 and I had not had anything since breakfast. I had about a 30 minute wait for my husband and the tow truck to arrive and remembered the hummus, pita chips, and boiled egg I had in my insulated lunch bag. It hit the spot. Half way into the snack however I realized I desperately needed something to drink.  Looking all over the car and through my bags for a bottle of water, I saw the bottle of wine sticking its head out of my bag. I like to drink a little while sitting on the beach watching the sun set so there was a little left over from our beach trip.  I thought. I shouldn't. It's so early in the day. I knew that I wouldn't be driving so I said, " Why not, I'm thirsty." I poured a little into an empty water bottle that I found in the floor board of the car. It was hot. But, it quenched my thirst. Those chickpeas, dry boiled egg, and chips were stuck right in the middle of my throat. It's kinda funny how things work out sometimes.

Just picture this... I'm sitting side the road, car broken down, boiling hot sun, eating hummus and chips and drinking wine out of a water bottle. You just have to laugh!!! 

So... when life throws you a lemon just make a little lemonade (or wine) 😎

Thanking God for His provision. Always ❤❤

Friday, September 29, 2017

you always quieten my soul...

Take me to the place
   where love abounds
 take me to the place
     where I'm safe and sound
 in the river of your love
       no strife is there
  the river of your love
       perfect peace is where
          take me to the place...

This world might toss me around. I lose my way at times. My focus a little off.
But, thank you Father God, if I will just stop and always quieten my soul❤️

sammie jean

excerpt from my blog alifelyingdown

"Behold, I extend peace to her like a river..." Isaiah 66:12
Talogia Creek that runs on the edge of our property

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Good, good Father...

Returning from a trip to Vegas to see Celine Dion, celebrating my sixtieth birthday, we were in the airport getting a sandwich during our layover. My husband reached in his back pocket to pay for the sandwiches and "no wallet." I could see the look of desperation in his eyes as he turned and looked at me, I said, "I'll pay for them." He quickly made his way back to the flight desk to explain to them that after much thought felt that he had left his wallet on the plane during the flight from Vegas. The clerk made a phone call but gave him bad news that the clean-up crew found no wallet. My husband trudged back to where I was sitting and you could tell by his body language that he was very upset (to say the least.) He told me,"Not only is credit cards, license, and money in my wallet but pictures of my kids when they were small are in there." You have to understand at our age a real picture that you can hold in your hand means the world to us. We don't have back-up copies of pictures in drop boxes, Shutterfly, or all those other places floating safe and sound out in technology world somewhere. When we lose a picture it's gone forever. We flew home from Atlanta with no wallet but with hope and a prayer. We were preparing for bed around three hours later when my husband received a phone call from Delta Airlines. We have your wallet in Jacksonville, Florida and everything is in tact, even a $100 dollar bill is still tucked neatly inside. Just a small thing right? No, not at all! Tears filled my eyes. The goodness of God was so evident. This was months ago.  Couldn't help but think of all the goodness of God in our lives everyday.

Thank you Father for answering our prayers for healing; giving children and older people with cancer and heart disease, more time on this earth. Thank you for second chances (third and fourth...too) Thank you for giving couples the heart of adoption. Thank you for caring friends and loving family that say the right thing at just the right time. Thank you for couples that will give up their comforts in life to travel half way across the world to love others in need. Thank you for giving us our hearts desires. Thank you for meeting our daily needs. Thank you for all those little "God winks" all during the day. Those special moments when you show us that you care about "every little thing." Thank you for saying "no" when it isn't best for us. Thank you for the important lessons that you teach us. Thank you for husbands that listen to you and guide their families in the right direction. Thank you for rescuing me when there was no way out. Thank you for Jesus. The lover of my very soul. Just want to say, your a good, good, Father. Thank you ♥

love these beautiful lyrics:

I've seen many searching for answers far and wide
But I know we're all searching
for answers only you provide
'cause you know just what we need
before we say a word

You're  a good good father,

it's who you are...
and I'm loved by you
it's who I am...

You are perfect in all of your ways...

you are...

 I'm loved by's who I am 💓

lyrics by Chris Tomlin

Saturday, September 16, 2017

don't be afraid to stand out...

Caught my attention this morning. Right in the middle of the forest floor bloomed this beauty...

Don't Be Afraid to Stand are fearfully and wonderfully made. Psalm 139:14 The Lord takes pleasure in all he has made! Psalm 104:31 NLT

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

the path taken...

Walked in town this morning. An asphalt track around the hospital. Two laps for a  mile. Easy walk. I walked it fast. A couple miles in less than 20 minutes. I've walked this track many times over the years. I remember walking around it one night with my son, right after my divorce from his dad. We had just moved to this town from a 1700 square foot house to a single-wide trailer.  He ran. I remember him taking his shirt off and running with all his might. Mustering up all the male masculinity that he could at the age of 11. He was the man of the house now. I walked. Probably hard to put one foot in front of the other. But I walked. Started thinking about the other walks I have been on lately. The dirt road that we live on since moving to the woods. A few annoyances; dirt, sticks, yellow flies. You spray your legs down before leaving remembering to spray your shoes for ticks too. But, the most peaceful walk you will ever take. Just peaceful. Only way I can describe it...just peaceful. Annoyingly peaceful.  Returning from three weeks in North Carolina we did manage to pull ourselves out of bed almost every morning to walk around the neighborhood. Hard walk. Those mountains were grueling.  Because I am use to walking the flat lands of Florida, my heart rate zoomed to the top pretty quickly. Beautiful walk but trudging upward each morning was quite a work out. Beautiful time in our lives. Retirement.What a gift. A time to re-evaluate life. It's like God has given us a little extra time to do all the important things in life. A second how I see it. Thought about the paths that I have been on (physically and spiritually) and how symbolic each walk has been. God has used every circumstance in my life to mold who I am. He has given me a new heart and has opened my eyes to see (differently than before.)  I am thankful for each life lesson. I'm thankful for the smooth, the rough, and the mountainous terrains. I'm sure that there is even a place for those annoying bugs...

sammie jean

Saturday, September 2, 2017

I have always loved you...

He created me, knows me, and has always loved me with an everlasting love. Everlasting? That is an absolutely awesome,  mind-boggling truth.

In a world that is constantly changing. A world where people believe one thing today and something different tomorrow, change our minds, just because...

I can stand on this promise forever...

           you can too!

 Thank you Lord Jesus that you love me. You don't even get mad at me. You love me right this minute as much as you have loved me my whole lifetime; even before I was conceived in my mothers womb. Oh amazing is that?

I put my hope and trust in you, Lord Jesus. The only one that stays the same; yesterday, today, and forever. Hebrews 13:8

I love you too!
Sammie Jean

Thursday, August 24, 2017


    Inheritance we receive.

        A legacy we will leave.

At church in Franklin, North Carolina this morning, he talked about prayer; the inheritance we receive and the legacy we leave. It wasn't a coincidence. It never is. I have been thinking about my children and grandchildren, their inheritance and the legacy that we are leaving behind. I have been reading the biography of David Green founder of Hobby Lobby, so it has been on my mind a lot lately. It was fresh on my mind this morning as I drank a cup of coffee, breathed in the mountain air, and enjoyed the solace in my life. So thankful for a praying grandmother and grandfather; and all those before me that prayed for me. A mother that thought it was important to take my sister and I to church every Sunday morning to learn about God. Where might we be if she hadn't. A sister who cared enough about me to encourage me in my walk with Him. Her and her friends who taught me the importance of prayer and how to pray. I am so grateful. What a rich inheritance, I inherited. Thank you Father for praying loved ones in our lives. We have prayed many prayers for our own children and grandchildren; the most important prayers have been that they put God first in their lives; walking in His fullness. Some of our prayers will be answered in our lifetime and others we might not ever see. But, they will be answered. Makes me think of my granny and poppy and how
much they must have prayed for my daddy to be saved. He was too, but they never saw the fruits of
their labor. He came to know Jesus after they were no longer here. I know that many prayers I have prayed were at a time of sadness in my own life. Times when my heart was heavy. Times when I had no idea what I was going to do. Though the season reliance on the Lord never will. Praying is a way of life; doesn't depend on my circumstances. I am and always will be desperate for the peace, love and joy of knowing Christ Jesus. His presence in our life and the lives of our loved ones is paramount. That is the only thing that will last forever.  God has always taken care of our needs. These weeks in the mountains, (almost three), have helped me realize how God is so involved in every little "itsy bitsy" detail of our lives. I never prayed Lord give me a home in the mountains. It has always been a dream of mine; a heart's desire, I guess you would say. So it's really hard to believe that we are here. Looking for a home in these gorgeous mountains. This will be an inheritance for our children and our grandchildren. A place of peace and enjoyment. A place that they will enjoy coming to. A place where the presence of God is very tangible. The most important thing I want to leave our children and grandchildren is the legacy that we have loved the Lord with all our hearts and showed them the way to do the same. If God sees fit to give us the "little cabin" of our dreams, full of His presence; then that is just icing on the cake 🏠

loving Him always,
sammie jean

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

something about the mountains....a poem

Something about the
not sure what it could be...

the early morning fog
hanging on for dear life,
 crisp, cool, air
that I breathe
 the rustling
brooks that skip and sputter
over the smooth rocks,

 the music that I hear with
the fiddle and the banjo,
 the easy way of life,
that draws me near,
it might be
the cry of the Cherokee
their hopes and dreams

 churches with their steeples
reaching to the sky,
the cows in the valley,
green pasture all around,
the foothills gracing it all,
rolling hills in the countryside,
the rustic barn, old wooden planks
falling down,
 country home with its
white columns standing tall,

There's just something that
draws me near
Not sure what it
 could be...


Thursday, August 17, 2017

lest I forget...

Cullasaja Falls, Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina

I remembered this morning once again...I called, You answered, and You came to my rescue.
I wanna be where you are.
Lyrics by Hillsong United

Thank you for loving me always and forever,

Sammie Jean

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

the tortoise and the hare

My inspiration this morning came straight from Mr. Aesop himself. The story of the Tortoise and the Hare came to mind on my walk. Can't help it. My elementary background comes to the forefront often. Let me humor you with this cute little fable. Tortoise and Hare had a race. We all know that hare was in better shape and could run faster. He was created to run faster. Because of that, he was also a little on the "cocky" side. And then there is Tortoise. Known to be slow. Never in a hurry. But, since he wasn't created for speed he had to rely on other skills. He had to be very focused to get to his goal. Well as it goes, Hare sprints off with great speed. He takes a huge lead. But, he has to stop along the way because he runs out of steam. He also thinks that because of his great lead, Tortoise will never catch him. It did look that way, however he misunderstood something about Tortoise. He never dreamed that Tortoise was looking toward the finish line; was goal oriented. He didn't know how confident Tortoise really was either. That he wasn't judging himself by what others could do or what others thought about him. He didn't get caught up in performance. He just steadily worked at it...never giving up, persevering to the end. As we know, he won the race! Thus the moral of the story, "Slow and Steady Wins the Race." As I look and listen, I see it everywhere; on social media, conversations, everywhere. The craze to get fit, to lose weight. The mania to "keep up with the Jones." Competition, competition, competition. In the way we look, how many miles we can run or walk, what we drive, what we wear, what we live in, who our kids play with, what college they attend...the list goes on an on. It's just crazy. I know I'm old. Sixty to be exact. I have a small piece of advice; tiny words of wisdom (and it comes with age.) I know that whatever my hands find to do, I should do it well. I definitely don't want to be lazy. I want to stay healthy; spiritually, physically, and mentally. But, let's move at a pace that doesn't cause "burn out." Let's not live in a space that is always saying, "I should do this or "if I would have done that." Let's live in the grace of each day...really each moment. Let's enjoy what we're doing!  Truthfully if the load is too hard to carry, it was probably never meant to be carried. Jesus said that, I didn't. All I'm saying is according to Paul, "let us run with endurance the race that is set before us." If we are doing, "whatever we are doing," for any other reason than "unto the Lord," we won't be able to hold out to the end.

Your speed doesn't matter...forward is forward 🐢 🐢

sammie jean💚
Taken April 17, 2017 in our yard

Monday, July 31, 2017

Our shared brokenness... as the fertile place

Love this quote from Wild in the Hollows, by Amber C. Haines, "My desire was to see Jesus from the floor up, from the root, to see us recognize our shared brokenness as the fertile place, how we are an outgrowth of life from a seed that died before it produced fruit. I longed to see the church know how desired she is, to see the beautiful gift of paradox, the broken whole of us."

The broken whole of us...I just love that!

living loved by His grace and mercy,
sammie jean 💞

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

spending time...the only spending that will ever make me rich

We went fishing with our grandchildren on the creek that runs on the edge of our property. It was late winter, early spring. Cool enough to wear a jacket still.  Trudging through the uncleared woods; both grandsons pole in hand, granddaughter in wading boots, my husband with machete clearing the way, tackle box equipped with every thing we needed, even green worms that we bought at the little local store down the road, and me with picnic basket full of snacks that we didn't even eat. Whew! Felt like  we were moving but have to be prepared (you know.)  Everyone had to show their strength a long the way; chopping down dead trees and limbs from our path. Finally, the creek bank was in sight.  My grandsons immediately on the look-out for the hardest place to get to. "That's where the fish are." You know it's not fishing if you don't climb a tree and go out on the longest limb. My granddaughter, husband and I had our perfect spot in view; a little slew on down the creek. As we took our places, I prayed "Lord, please help us catch fish." Didn't say it but was sure thinking it pretty hard, "We have sure gone to a lot of trouble to not catch any fish." Almost as quick as I finished that prayer, I heard a commotion up the creek. Our grandson had caught a large warmouth bass. Not long after, the other grandson caught a good-eating hand size bass. I guess it was the "perfect spot" after all.  The next thing I knew, my granddaughter was right on top of a bed and started catching fish as quick as she could throw her hook in. Such a trooper; taking her fish off her line, baiting her hook with those green slimy worms; a little tomboy. The perfect afternoon... well almost. A few mishaps; fishing in the trees, losing the line, snags in the water, losing the hook. And oh yeah, "These fish aren't biting anymore." Famous last words.  Oh, well,  Paradise doesn't last forever. We came back. The same scene all over again. Cutting limbs, karate kicking dead trees, dragging poles, tackle box, picnic basket, not to mention tired, hot and sweaty bodies. Pawpaw cleaned and fried the fish. Good 'ole fried fish right out of the creek! What a way to end this adventure. Calm chaos! I came across something the other day about a pearl and how it grows inside an oyster. It is actually an irritation to the oyster.  A grain of sand works his way into the shell as an intruder and then over time...well, you know the story, a treasure is created.  Isn't it ironic how a beautiful pearl is first an irritant to the oyster?  Relationships are like that. It takes some planning. It takes a little effort. Sometimes it feels like hard work. There is always going to be a little "snag in the water." Relationships can only be made by spending time. It's the only spending that I know of that will make me rich.

making memories that will last a lifetime (maybe for eternity),
sammie jean

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Forsake not...

 God tells us to forsake not our "assembling together." My whole life I have heard that referred to as one of the reasons that we should attend church. I'm not saying it isn't. But, just consider this. When two are gathered in my name I am there. Oh my! Have I really listened to the conversations that I have had when I am gathered with others? Have I allowed Holy Spirit to penetrate my heart with the words of my brothers and sisters? Is this time really important to me? Have I allowed myself to glean from the conversation? Have I been misled to think that only the pastor, teacher, evangelist, preacher can speak into my life at church on Sunday morning? I've asked myself all these questions.  I've always heard it said that communication is very difficult mainly because we are doing one of two things; we are thinking about what we want to say or we are judging what the other person is saying. Either way, We Aren't Listening (really). Holy Spirit has been speaking to my heart recently of how important conversations are when I'm talking to others. I have become very aware of how important this time is. It is an ordained time (if I believe my steps are ordered of God) for me. If I really believe this then I will listen to conversations and I will guard what I say to others. With Christ living in me, I should have something to say of importance. We are all messengers. What will our message be?  I had a conversation with my brother-in-law and sister recently and I listened; I really listened. Holy Spirit continued to speak to my heart after the conversation. Even days after. Thank you for making yourself available to me.

Thank you Father for loving me,

Sunday, July 16, 2017

it's just a little something...

My husband, is very creative in building things. Before we moved, he spent days tearing out old boards to re-purpose them from an old schoolhouse that had been moved across the road from our house. It was probably built in the 1930's and moved from a nearby town in our county. They were going to tear it down so he jumped on the opportunity to get the wood. I was not home at the time. He called me and said, "I have a little something I think that you will like." I did. It was a window from the old schoolhouse. It took me a while to complete the project but I finally did. It was fun to make. I like it.

Thank you Father for creating us to enjoy life,
sammie jean

Just a "little thing" brings lots of joy 

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

dear friends

Our trip to the cabin in Georgia was refreshing. Our trip to the beach was a blast. I didn't think about that on my walk this morning. All I could think about was how precious these women are to me. My high school girlfriends. We've known each other for a very long time. Since kindergarten days. We didn't stay in contact for all those years but when we finally got back together it was like we had never been apart. We're different. Yet alike. Our places in life are not identical.  But, we're on the same path. We're blunt. Yet tender. We're serious but silly too.We have been broken. Made mistakes. Been misunderstood. But, our common ground is our love for Jesus, family and each other. We are soul mates. A precious gift from God...

Dear friends, I am so proud to call each one of you my dear friend. I cherish the beautiful, gifted, loving women that each one of you are. You are successful in the worlds eyes but the thing that I'm most impressed with and aspire to be like is the heart of love that I see in each one of you. I have never known any women with more perseverance, passion, and potential as you. You are pearl's of great price.

With much love  ❤
sammie jean


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

cute little footprints

Quickly my little dears, we have fish to catch before daybreak. I can just hear mama raccoon say to her little ones, as they scurried along the dirt road early this morning. Or wife skunk as she told husband skunk, "It's such a great night out tonight." The cutest little foot prints caught my eye during my walk this morning. I smiled as I stopped to take a pic. Life's little simple pleasures. Bring much joy

Don't let "it" steal your joy today!

Much love,
sammie jean

Friday, June 30, 2017

We Need Each Other

 My flower beds are a mess. Once beautiful, but now pitiful. All the rain. The blazing, hot sun. They've been through a lot. I've neglected them (they are like part of the family you know.) I've passed by them for weeks and just looked and said, "My flowers look awful." Well, this morning, I had a new determination. Scissors in hand I went to work. I cut off dead blooms. I cut off dead stems. I pulled weeds. I removed debris from the soil. What an improvement. Just a little time, a little extra attention...

I was talking to my mother this weekend about pain and how people act when they are hurting. I don't know if it is a new revelation for me or what but I have a total new perspective on it. I remember how I acted when I was going through a lot of pain and was hurting deeply. I built a wall around myself for protection. I'm sure others saw it as if I was saying, "Leave me alone." I can promise you, I was not saying that at all. I have known people who were hurting or going through difficult times in their life and I would just stand back and say something to myself like, "I don't want to be pushy or I don't want to bother them." I know from experience though they aren't really saying that either. Yes, we put up a wall. Yes, we act like we don't need anyone. But the truth is we really want and need others. What we need is others who will speak words of life, whether we look like we want it or not. We need each other

I might just have to be a little "pushy" from now on. You are worth it!

Father, help me do better,
sammie jean
If I take the time to give it the attention it needs, then, whenever the time is right, "new life" will spring forth.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

i see it in your eye (a poem)

i see that you are broken
   i see it in your eye
the pain
   is real
it paralyzes 
  your every part
i caught a quick
do i dare
come closer
to really see 
it might grip 
my heart 
 too messy 
for me 
  i might lose
 do i dare
  take a chance
i have a choice
to make
  i can look
 the other way
i can pretend i 
  didn't see
i can say it
 doesn't involve 
  i can go
on with my life
  no one will ever
that i saw it 
   in your eye

sammie jean

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Brokenness...a gift from God

Pride seemed to have been my thought process this morning as I walked. I prayed. "Lord, help me with pride." I know I have it. Show me the places in my life where it is." It seemed almost instantly that the Lord started speaking to my heart about brokenness. I started thinking about all those broken places throughout my life. Disappointments in my childhood, divorce and raising children as a single parent, raising grandchildren, disappointments in my job, plans that never evolved, dreams that didn't come true; fear, guilt, shame, disapproval, rejection. It was at these places that I met Jesus. It was here where He showed me how much He loved me. He gave me His approval. It was right here that I learned to trust Him. This is the place where I discovered who He really was...therefore, I can take no credit. He deserves it all. Started thinking about how that has always been God's plan from the foundation of the world. Jesus came into this world in a state of brokenness and He left this world in the same fashion. It was totally contrary to the worlds view of how a king should set up His kingdom. And it is still contrary even today. The war between flesh and spirit continues. My flesh wants praise, recognition, to look good and feel good. God says the total opposite. I will not despise those with a broken and contrite heart. It is very clear.

My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise. Psalm 51:17  

 These are the ones I look on with favor; those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at my word. Isaiah 66:2

God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things and the things that are not, to nullify the things that are. I Corinthians 1:28

So grateful...
sammie jean

Saturday, June 10, 2017

New Wine

                                         am i listening...

wine press Italy 2015

...but new wine must be put into new wineskins    Mark 2:22 (NIV)

Monday, June 5, 2017

he's on the prowl

i almost believed him, i almost thought it was true, i almost believed the lie, almost before i knew

i was standing very vulnerable, and had let down my guard, when he came from behind, and hit me really hard

he's good at what he does, i have to give him that, he's constantly prowling, and ready to attack

he's very diligent, never giving up, he hits hard in the places, that really, really hurts

he's not ignorant, stupid, or inept, he has definitely done all his homework

wait a minute...not too much credit, he's sneaky but not great

Jesus said, "It is finished"
he already knows his fate

I spoke the words out loud
"You Have To Flee"

These words of life,
Had been embedded within me

"Put on My armor
So that you will be able to stand"

he heard these words, he knew he had no ground

Rise from your sleep
Wake up from your slumber

he's ready to devour... 'cause he knows his days are numbered

sjo 5/29/17

Be careful-watch out for attacks from Satan,
your great enemy. He prowls around like a hungry, roaring lion,
looking for some victim to tear apart. I Peter 5:8 (TLB)