Monday, October 30, 2017


Waiting is the hardest thing to do. Especially when you really want something. Who would have ever thought that it would take so long for us to close on the little cabin in the mountains. The one of our dreams. I sure didn't. We found it in August. Here we are...still waiting. Waiting.  I've envisioned a fire in that stone fireplace at least a million times; standing so close to it that I burn my backside; curling up on the couch with a cup of hot coffee; watching the fire, crackle and pop. I've envisioned cooking a country breakfast in the little kitchen; grits, eggs, and smoked country ham. Sleeping in the old wood-framed bed; listening to new sounds, never heard before. I've envisioned sitting on the back porch looking at the fall colors; listening to the little brook, across the road, running and skipping over the rocks. Walking through the yard rustling leaves beneath my feet; with the mountain air so cold that my nose and ears feel like they are going to freeze off.’s only in my dreams... maybe one day, soon, it will be reality.  And, again, it might never happen. I felt positive that it was God's will for us to have this cabin...waiting though, makes me wonder. It makes me question everything. No matter what, I have come to this resolve today. Lord,  I want your will to be done. You mean more to me than anything on this earth. No thing can ever take your place. If that cabin has only been in my dreams...well, they have been great ones 🌄

sammie jean
Little driveway into our cabin...

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