Monday, October 30, 2017


Waiting is the hardest thing to do. Especially when you really want something. Who would have ever thought that it would take so long for us to close on the little cabin in the mountains. The one of our dreams. I sure didn't. We found it in August. Here we are...still waiting. Waiting.  I've envisioned a fire in that stone fireplace at least a million times; standing so close to it that I burn my backside; curling up on the couch with a cup of hot coffee; watching the fire, crackle and pop. I've envisioned cooking a country breakfast in the little kitchen; grits, eggs, and smoked country ham. Sleeping in the old wood-framed bed; listening to new sounds, never heard before. I've envisioned sitting on the back porch looking at the fall colors; listening to the little brook, across the road, running and skipping over the rocks. Walking through the yard rustling leaves beneath my feet; with the mountain air so cold that my nose and ears feel like they are going to freeze off.’s only in my dreams... maybe one day, soon, it will be reality.  And, again, it might never happen. I felt positive that it was God's will for us to have this cabin...waiting though, makes me wonder. It makes me question everything. No matter what, I have come to this resolve today. Lord,  I want your will to be done. You mean more to me than anything on this earth. No thing can ever take your place. If that cabin has only been in my dreams...well, they have been great ones 🌄

sammie jean
Little driveway into our cabin...

Sunday, October 29, 2017

It isn't finished...yet

Always down a path of some sort. Every one a little different. This one, River Walk in North Carolina. As I watched the Canadian Geese in the river, something else caught my eye. A man on the river bank painting. An artist inspired by the view. Understandable. His canvas in his lap. I watched him as he packed up to leave. I rushed over to ask him if he would sale his painting. He said he never had before." I like to keep them," he responded.  Besides, it wasn’t finished. He asked me if I wanted to see it. "Sure," I replied. I would love to. We stood on the bridge, looking at the unfinished piece of art. He critiqued it. A little rough here. Color not exactly right. Need to add this, change this. I had no idea what he was talking about. He knew though. After all he was the artist and this was his masterpiece. I didn't have to understand. I can just envision this conversation with my Father God. Looking at the "painting of my life."  I ask Him. “May I take a look?” “Sure”, he replies. "It isn’t finished yet," He tells me. "But, when it is, it will be one of my very favorites."

Father, I'm trusting in your design for my life,

sammie jean

for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Philippians 2:13

Monday, October 23, 2017

His good pleasure...

...for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work

Philippians 2:13

 I am so glad that I can rest in Him! It brings me so much peace to know that even though (through my eyes) my life looks like I haven't accomplished very much, haven't done much for Him, or done things the right way, my Father has been willing and working in me His good pleasure. So...nothing I have done or haven’t done has been wasted; the things that I have done selfishly, the things that I have done rebelliously, the things that I have done out of fear, anger, or greed. He has been working in me through it all. It is all about Him. I will never be worthy. Thank you Father! Only you could have come up with such a "perfect plan." ☩

sammie jean 

Friday, October 20, 2017

but take courage...

 In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.

John 16:33

I love this! Lord, I put my hope and trust in you; today and forever.

Sammie jean

Lake Talquin, Florida

Friday, October 13, 2017

Shout Out to my Sister!

New York, Top of the Rock
Dear Brenda,

     I love you, appreciate you and respect you, even more today than I did yesterday.  You are so much more than a are my dear friend ❤

Beach fun with mama!
Love you always and forever,

Thursday, October 12, 2017

it's official...he's part of the family

Our little friend has been close by for almost the whole year that we have been living here. He mostly lives on the the wooden post near the flowerbed. We have occasionally seen him on the porch. Today he decided to take my chair. I walked out on the front porch this morning to sit down. What did I do? What anyone would do for a family member or good friend. I just let him sit in my chair while I sat in another one. Hope he realizes our fondness for him.

You know you are loving the woods when you start loving all of God's little critters too 😍

Monday, October 9, 2017

a Monday funny...

I was on my way home from a few nights stay at the beach with my mom and sister when the thing you fear in the back of your mind happens. Your engine light comes on. It starts flashing... overheating; needs coolant, needs oil change! Every light you could imagine started flashing!  Oh my goodness, I'm alone! Thank you Jesus, I wasn't very far from home. About 30 miles. So thankful that it didn't happen while I was on the interstate too. I immediately pulled over, finding a driveway that was safe to pull into. I called my husband. Thank you Lord for partners that don't ask a lot of questions they just move into action. I took a deep breath and said, "Thank you Jesus that you are always with me. You never leave me." Tears filled my eyes with the thought of dealing with this without a mate like so many have to do. I remembered the feeling.  "Thank you Lord for my husband," I said.  It was within minutes that I received a message from the towing company wanting to know my location. My efficient husband was right on it! So all was well. The only thing now was, I was hungry. It was 2:00 and I had not had anything since breakfast. I had about a 30 minute wait for my husband and the tow truck to arrive and remembered the hummus, pita chips, and boiled egg I had in my insulated lunch bag. It hit the spot. Half way into the snack however I realized I desperately needed something to drink.  Looking all over the car and through my bags for a bottle of water, I saw the bottle of wine sticking its head out of my bag. I like to drink a little while sitting on the beach watching the sun set so there was a little left over from our beach trip.  I thought. I shouldn't. It's so early in the day. I knew that I wouldn't be driving so I said, " Why not, I'm thirsty." I poured a little into an empty water bottle that I found in the floor board of the car. It was hot. But, it quenched my thirst. Those chickpeas, dry boiled egg, and chips were stuck right in the middle of my throat. It's kinda funny how things work out sometimes.

Just picture this... I'm sitting side the road, car broken down, boiling hot sun, eating hummus and chips and drinking wine out of a water bottle. You just have to laugh!!! 

So... when life throws you a lemon just make a little lemonade (or wine) 😎

Thanking God for His provision. Always ❤❤